Sunday, August 22, 2010

Underserved Joy

Every mistake ever made,
Swirling through my consciousness,
Reminding me with every waking moment,
That I don’t deserve this.
I’m afraid to close my eyes at night,
In fear that when they open,
You’ll be gone,
Just as fast as you came.
As an angel of the night,
You arrived,
Bringing a God-sent peace.
You will never know
What you’ve done to my heart,
You’ll never understand
The healing you’ve started.
I lay awake at night
Wondering if you’re thinking of me,
The way I think of you.
You are so perfect,
I fear you are merely a dream.
How I long to touch your face,
To hold you close,
And whisper promises in your ear,
Of how we’ll be together forever.
The craziest of circumstances
Has brought us together,
Yet I cannot imagine my life
Any other way.

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