Sunday, August 22, 2010


Far from perfect
Everything is falling apart
As the memories come racing back
The mistakes start stacking.
How did I get so far off track?
This is the last step
The last chance.
I cannot ruin this one,
My last promise.
Tell me I stand a chance
Console my heart,
I can’t stand to lose this one.
Come so far,
I feel my fingers
Slowly losing their grip
On every slippery hold
That was once so solid.
There was no lie in her eyes,
I cannot shake
The fear that is choking
All sense of hope
That this is following the path
That I wish so desperately to have.
Options have been exhausted,
As I sit here,
I can only pray
That I am still everything
You say I am,
Far from a failure,
Yet never reaching perfection.
Take me by the hand,
Carry me to the destination,
My body is weary,
My legs cannot hold me any longer.
My strength is gone,
All that’s left is you…
Thank you,
For being everything you always said you were.

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