Friday, December 19, 2008

Another Heart Calls

I’m singing this last sad song
Sing along,
I know you know the words.
I’ve forgotten your smile
That light in your eye.
My hands losing your touch.
Ears forgetting your sound,
And my nose forgetting your smell.
I saw that road yesterday,
You remember that road,
The one we walked down
Hand in hand into the sunset.
I found that park
Where time stood still
As we watched the heavens
Looking for the brightest star.
I found your favorite cd,
That one we sang to
At the top of our lungs in the car.
I visited that church,
The one that fed us
For all those years.
I spent the most time
In my living room
Where you spent so much time
Falling asleep in my arms.
Sitting here,
I can almost feel you again.
It has been nearly 5 years,
Through my tears
I remember I’ll see you again
Soon enough.
I’m waiting for that day,
And I know you are too.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Studying Politics

I’m cut and bleeding dry
I’ve given you everything
You ever wanted ceremoniously.
The blade stained red is
Still wet and dripping.
I gave you it all,
I gave you my all.
There is nothing left,
Yet you’re looking at me
Waiting for more.
You were all I ever wanted,
But I realize
I’m not enough for you
I’m not good enough
All I can be
Is your greatest let down.
So move on,
Find someone else
To dry out.
Keep moving on
Trying to squelch
Your never ending thirst.
I’m not the best you can get,
But there is no one
I love like you.
Take a long last look.
The golden bullet
Has been driven deep.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Broken Hearts Parade

Broken friendships
Bridges burned
A moment frozen in time.
A two minute smile
Hides my inner thoughts.
I wish I could forget you.
I hate myself
A little more everyday
As you walk by me.
Such a painful mistake
I stood up for you
My lack of judgment
Has brought me to this point.
Go away
I hate this hell
You’ve put me through.
The light from your eyes
Has grown dim
A bitter shell,
You don’t know what’s wrong.
You can’t see your mistakes
You won’t admit.
What a pathetic visage
You wear around.
You pretend you have no problems
But your eyes widen
As you look down
Hoping I don’t see you walking by.
If there’s one thing
I want to leave you with
I’m doing my best to forget you,
And don’t worry
I don’t hate you
I just don’t want to be near you