Sunday, February 14, 2010


Since I'm making this blog (a little more) public, I might as well make this clear (again) to everyone who reads: These notes are not about anyone specific, there might be a couple from a while back that are about a specific group of people, but it is so much easier to write and identify a group or type of person as a single entity.

I write from my heart, it just flows. I write when I'm frustrated, I write when I'm sad. I write just to write sometimes. There's not necessarily any rhyme or reason to what I write, it's just me being me. I'm not a journaling type of person, but this is the closest I come. In my notes I vent, I think, I relax and process. Please don't try to read into what I'm writing, it's not for you to interpret. If I want you to know what I was getting at, or what was going on in my mind, ask me, I might let you know. But don't accuse me of being depressed or angry, or anything ridiculous like that.


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