Saturday, September 6, 2008


Save me
From these haunting memories
The darkest day
Of my darkest night.
A terrifying dream
This night never ends.
I froze when I saw her face.
Brilliant as the sun
Terrifying as facing death.
In this moment,
I knew it was my end.
She took my hand,
I lost all my will
To escape.
She took me in
Heart, Mind, Soul.
I couldn't say goodbye,
Nor did I ever want to.
Rescued from the night,
She loved me
More than her own life.
She is the most terrifying person,
and yet the most exquisite.
In her arms,
I know nothing can ever harm us.
Rescued from all lonliness,
I will never need again.
Her arms hold all the security
I could ever need.
She is afraid of holding me too close
Afraid of hurting me.
I have no fear.
She is not my savior,
But she is my heart.

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